
Let’s take a trip down to South America to learn some more about piranhas!  These ferocious little fish are found in South American lakes and rivers.  And, there are over 20 species of piranhas in the Amazon River alone! 

Piranhas are often thought of as a terrifying predator.  Just looking at their teeth can be s-s-scary! But, many of them are omnivorous.  Can you say omnivorous?  This means they eat plants too.  Even though piranhas do eat meat, they attack only when you mess with them or their eggs.  

That’s a relief!

If you’re still curious about this amazing species, don’t miss this story set back in time over 100 years ago.

Are you ready for the piranha’s out of this world fact?!

Red-bellied piranhas make barking noises when they are caught by fishermen. Can you imagine catching a fang-toothed fish that barks like your dog? Now that is OUT OF THIS WORLD!

Time for a Challenge

Tap into your creative side and decorate your own piranha. 

  1. Ask a grown-up and collect some crayons, markers, colored pencils, and other artistic supplies.  

  2. Download and print your piranha by clicking the picture below!

  3. Don’t forget to share your creations! #heymrjim


Magazine, Smithsonian. “14 Fun Facts about Piranhas.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 8 July 2014, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/14-fun-facts-about-piranhas-180951948/.


Bobwhite Quail

