The universe and your energy body

Vandana Sinha
2 min readOct 26, 2022

Understanding of your own self, in the context of the universe and the cosmos is an important dimension in spiritual journey. We are but a tiny speck in the magical scheme of things in the cosmos, connected via energetic grid lines and energy fields. Like in any electrical circuit, if something is out of order, electricity will not flow properly. Similarly, if your own energy body is not in alignment with the larger energy grid you will have issues.

Our energy body comprises five layers — the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and astral states. In our earthly avatar, most of us understand that we have physical, mental and emotional layers — we can see the physical and sense the other two. Very few understand the spiritual and astral state. It is important to understand that who we are is a sum of all these states which comprises our energy body. We carry so much information in our energy body, which translates into our current state of being and what we go through.

Within the physical body there are seven chakras (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and the Crown) that are in turn connected to two other chakras within your astral body. The soul star chakra connects you to your higher self in the astral body, while the earth star chakra connects you to mother earth and keeps you grounded. If all these nine chakras were in alignment and your own energy field was clean and vibrating in sync with the energy vibrations of the magical huge energy grid that the cosmos is — you will be in a state of divinity where you have the ability to heal and to manifest.

Within this energy system that we are, we carry memories and information from the time of our inception (the time when we split from the creator and became a soul). What we have embedded in our energy body are — our memories, experiences, knowledge that come from this current lifetime and from previous lifetimes; our lineage and ancestry; our heritage of tribe, land, country; to the core inherent knowledge at the soul level. These are millions and millions of data points that make us who we are today.

So at any given point in time, we will have some things in our lives running well and some not so well. It is important to know how to train yourself to a state of balance so that most things in your life are ‘running well’ and you are in a state of harmony.



Vandana Sinha

Wellpreneur-Author-Speaker-Spiritual Coach-Energy Healer-USA Country Chair@G100-Healing Circles