5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Chinese New Year Dragon Dance

Master Steven Chen
3 min readDec 22, 2023

The Chinese New Year is a time of celebration, joy and prosperity. One of the most spectacular and symbolic events of the festival is the dragon dance, where a team of performers carry a long, colorful dragon figure and move it in a coordinated way to the rhythm of drums and cymbals.

The dragon dance is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits, but there is more to this ancient tradition than meets the eye.

The dragon dance is one of the oldest forms of folk dance in China, and its origin can be traced back to thousands of years ago. According to legend, the dragon was a benevolent creature that controlled the weather and water, and people worshipped it as a totem and a protector.

The dragon dance was a way of expressing gratitude and reverence to the dragon, as well as praying for rain and harvest. The dragon dance was also performed during important occasions such as coronations, wars and festivals.

Here are five things you didn’t know about the Chinese New Year dragon dance.

1. The dragon represents the emperor and the cosmic energy

The dragon is a revered creature in Chinese culture, and it is often associated with the emperor, who was seen as the son of heaven. The dragon also symbolizes the yang energy, which is the active, creative and masculine force of the universe. The dragon dance is a way of honoring the emperor and invoking the cosmic energy to bless the people and the land.

2. The length and color of the dragon vary according to different regions and occasions

There is no fixed rule for how long or what color the dragon should be in the dragon dance. Different regions and occasions may have different preferences and meanings. Generally speaking, the longer the dragon, the more luck and power it brings.

The color of the dragon also has significance. For example, a green dragon represents nature and harmony, a red dragon represents excitement and auspiciousness, a yellow dragon represents royalty and wisdom, and a black dragon represents mystery and strength.

3. The head and tail of the dragon are the most important parts

The head and tail of the dragon are considered to be the most important parts of the dragon figure, as they are the ones that communicate with the heaven and earth. The head is usually made of wood, bamboo or paper-mache, and decorated with fur, feathers, beads, mirrors and other ornaments.

The head has a movable mouth, eyes and ears, which can be controlled by strings or rods by the leader of the team. The tail is usually made of cloth or silk, and it can have different shapes and patterns. The tail is also where the spirit of the dragon resides, so it must be treated with respect and care.

4. The movements of the dragon are based on martial arts and animal behaviors

The movements of the dragon in the dragon dance are not random or improvised. They are based on martial arts techniques and animal behaviors that mimic the characteristics of the dragon. For example, some common movements are:

- Rolling: The dragon rolls its body to show its agility and flexibility.
- Whirling: The dragon whirls around to create wind and rain.
- Jumping: The dragon jumps up to reach for the sky or to catch a pearl.
- Swaying: The dragon sways from side to side to show its grace and elegance.
- Coiling: The dragon coils its body to protect itself or to attack.

5. The pearl is a symbol of wisdom and power

The pearl is a spherical object that is usually carried by a person in front of the dragon. The pearl can be made of wood, metal, paper or plastic, and it can be painted or covered with shiny material. The pearl represents wisdom and power, and it is also a lure for the dragon.

The person holding the pearl has to move it around to attract the attention of the dragon and make it follow him or her. This is a way of showing the skill and coordination of the team, as well as the intelligence and curiosity of the dragon.



Master Steven Chen

I'm Steven, passionate about Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, unlocking harmony within ourselves and the world. https://ko-fi.com/masterstevenchen