Bunda PurelyPope Better Booty

All About that Booty!

When it comes to working out – it’s literally all about that booty! A common misconception for girls looking to tone their tummy area is that they need to do crunches non-stop. To the contrary, it’s actually your lower body that is the most important for full body, and especially core toning. Your butt and legs are home to the largest muscles in your body, which makes sense as to why they would be the most important! That being said, let’s dive into how we can make the booty a focus in our lives!

Home of the Better Booty!

Perhaps one of the trendiest West Hollywood workout studios, Bunda takes working out to a whole new level. The first time I tried it, I was not only addicted, but insanely impressed with how difficult and precise the movements were.

Throughout the class you move intermittently from the stair master to the Bunda station where you do resistance training. At the stair master, you’re given different steps to do, different speeds, etc. throughout. When you’re at the Bunda station, they’ll lead you through a combination of workouts using weights, resistance bands, sliding panels and more that all sculpt the booty too. I highly suggest taking the butt and legs focused class, which is their most popular.

The best part about it? Their formula is backed by SCIENCE – not just some trend that is going to go away quickly. They use small interval margins between the two stations which then forces your body to burn fat quickly – what’s not to love about that?

Busting Your Booty Outside of LA

So, what if you’re not in Santa Monica or Beverly Hills or a quick drive from West Hollywood? Well, hopefully Bunda spreads like wildfire (it’s that good you guys) and it comes to a city near you very soon. In the meantime, I would suggest upping your focus on legs and booty in your workout routine. I love the online workouts from Obe because they offer express workouts that let you choose what body part you want to focus on. Add one of these into your routine!
If you want to learn more about my typical workout routine, check out this post here.