Does Safety Create a Productive and Safe Work Environment?

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When it comes to investing in workplace safety, the perceived negative impact on productivity is a key concern. The truth is, a safe workplace with minimal job hazards is often a more productive and profitable one! In this article, we'll look at how safety and productivity go together in the workplace, and how safety can actually help your bottom line.

Safe environments minimize lost working hours

Whether your work environment is an office or an industrial facility, reducing downtime is the key to maintaining productivity. In the office, this might mean maintaining a reliable IT infrastructure. A factory, on the other hand, would rely on having machines that run at peak efficiency. In either setting, employees are necessary to maintain optimal productivity. Because businesses rely on employees in this way, injuries will lead to lost productivity in any workplace. Businesses that cut corners to save time and speed up production can often seem productive and profitable. In the long term, these environments can also be unsafe, leading to increased downtime. While safety programs and implementing safe work practices often require an initial investment, they also have a positive impact on employee health. Because healthy employees are more reliable and productive, they're also good for the bottom line.

Safety culture at work makes for engaged employees

A key aspect of finding a balance between productivity and safety is the enforcement of safety culture. A study by Lockheed Martin of their Paducah Plant found that by developing a safety culture, they were able to increase employee productivity by 24% and reduce factory costs by 20%. Lockheed Martin’s study found that the major reason for this increase was their focus on reducing errors that lead to job hazards and accidents. By implementing safe job procedures, extensive training, improving pre-work preparation, and auditing all safety processes, plant personnel were able to increase safety while also reducing expenses.

Safety information and education 

As part of a safe workplace and culture, updated safety information and education, with both employees and management, is integral to success and improved safety. There are many great options for online safety training available such as the OSHA and National Safety Council in the United States and the CCOHS in Canada. But in addition to these great resources, there are many, many other options for online safety training, seminars, and education for all kinds of industries and safety challenges. 

Safe work practices and safe job procedures 

The Infrastructure Health and Safety Association in Ontario says:  

“Companies should establish safe work practices/safe job procedures for addressing significant hazards or for dealing with circumstances that may present other significant risks/liabilities for the company. They should reflect your company's approach to controlling hazards.” 

Well-researched safe work practices and safe job procedures help protect employees by providing specific instruction and directions around work performance and conduct that will reduce the safety risk of harm to employees, the environment, and equipment. These work practices and work procedures are the guidebooks to mitigating safety hazards specific to your organization and team. Remember, always remain updated on the current OHS safety regulations and legislation with OSHA, CCOHS or whatever your local jurisdiction is.

Safe employees are happier and engaged in their work

Safe working conditions often go hand in hand with ideal operational conditions. With safeguards in place, employees can focus on their work, instead of the dangers and job hazards in their workplace. Keeping a cleaner, more organized space will help reduce safety hazards, and can also improve efficiency. Safety in the workplace is productive in other ways, too. Employees who take personal accountability in their safety are more likely to be engaged and happy at work. Many studies have shown a link between health and safety, and happiness at work and employee productivity. To finish bringing things full circle, engaged employees are also more likely to be safe at work!

Productivity and safety: two sides of the same coin

One of the ways that personnel at Lockheed Martin's Paducah Plant improved efficiency was by reducing the paperwork for permits by combining their processes. Employee protection was still addressed through the new procedures, but reducing paperwork helped Lockheed Martin see other benefits. SafetyLine can benefit organizations in the same way, by reducing the time and effort required by manual work-alone systems and improving the health and safety of your team.

In summary, prioritizing safety in the workplace is not only essential for protecting employees but also for enhancing productivity. Explore our website to learn more about the correlation between safety and productivity and discover our innovative safety solutions designed to maximize both.

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