Dosh and devils don billboards

Devil horns and dollar signs are the first of unwanted additions to political party hoardings as people air their views in the battle of the billboards.

With 52 days until the September 20 election, campaigning is in full swing across electorates with most political parties having erected roadside billboards in the last two weeks.

Defacing is part and parcel of electioneering, says political party representatives.

A defaced sign of Colin Craig at Memorial Park edge on 11th Ave.

John Key gets a new look on a National sign on Papamoa Beach Road.

Already Conservative Party leader Colin Craig and Prime Minster John Key have fallen victim to the veils of ‘public artwork' in the Bay of Plenty.

Colin's sign at Memorial Park, on the corner of 11th Avenue and Fraser Street, was given a set of red devil horns, while the Prime Minster gained dollar signs for eyes on a billboard on Papamoa Beach Road.

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges is yet to fall victim to defacing but is certain he will tend to at least one ‘reworked' billboard before September 20.

'I don't mind the really quirky ones like the horns and the moustache but just out and out nastiness, or vandalism is obviously uncalled for,” says Simon.

Standing by election hoardings as an effective form of campaigning, Simon has a simple method – have more signs than the other parties.

According to Tauranga City Council, signs can be erected in public places, provided they adhere to the Electoral Act 1993 and associated regulations, as well as relevant council rules.

Candidates must ensure signs do not present a traffic hazard, or danger to public safety. Damaged or defaced signs are the responsibility of the candidate or party.

The public are asked to contact the candidate or party of a damaged sign. If several signs from different parties have been uprooted or damaged the public are to contact council.

'Some people say it's a visual pollution, but my view is that it's an incredibly important part of our democracy and has been for many years. And since I first started in Tauranga I have the clear view that it is important to win the hoarding battle.”

He isn't putting a cash figure on the hoardings, but says the big cost is in volunteer time and effort erecting the billboards and keeping a watchful eye on them in the two months leading up to the election.

Conservative Party leader Colin Craig was not too impressed with the additions made to his Memorial Park signs.

'It's very annoying and sad to see that some members of the public resort to vandalism. Sometimes the vandalism is by opposing party activists which is also unacceptable (such as green party activists in 2011 campaign).”

Colin says a new sign built from scratch costs about $150, with printing costs of $40. Most of the labour to erect the signs is undertaken by party volunteers.

The placement of signs is also undertaken by local party constituents and representatives, who also check on hoardings on a rotational basis.

Independent Coalition Party leader Brendan Horan is one of the candidates yet to enter the billboard landscape but is confident the party's signs will not be defaced, as he believes his party offers a unique voice for the people.

The party officially launches in Omanu tonight with billboards expected to go up in the coming days.

He says it is expensive to produce and maintain billboards but feels the level of positive feedback generated alludes to a smooth campaign.

'I'm not for anybody defacing anybody's billboard. People should have decency and honour; it's not hard,” says Brendan.

'It shouldn't be [defaced] because I'm sure people have better things to do. It doesn't matter what they do to my signs I just want people to have a voice and get out there and vote on Election Day.”



Posted on 29-07-2014 15:49 | By chatter

Maybe the tagger of the National election billboard should be requesting more funding for education - especially spelling ! ! !

Spot on

Posted on 29-07-2014 21:24 | By penguin

Some members of the community are very perceptive!

1 4 GK

Posted on 30-07-2014 10:42 | By 1 4 GK

The perception is that some folk on the Left (and usually only from the Left)tag hoardings of those on the Right.....

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