The piranha phase

When we got Norman we were very clear with the breeder. We wanted a calm puppy. Calm. The breeder, a lovely lady trying hard to keep the six puppies from destroying her house, nodded as if she understood and handed us Norman. Norman took one look at me and settled in my arms.

Hubby and I smiled at each other, delighted. Calm. Perfect.

Well…The thing is you fall in love. I certainly did. Norman was adorable. He was playful, loving and full of mischief. How could I resist those trusting, brown eyes?

He did sleep in my arms and he did arrive home all snuggly and loving. But Norman was busy doing one thing more than anything else while I fell in love. He was growing and getting a new set of teeth. His baby ones had to fall out and that meant they itched in his mouth. So, for a little while, Norman was more piranha than puppy.

He bit everything within reach. He wasn’t choosy, anything would do. He preferred hands but he’d chew on noses, ears, toes or even hair if he had to. For a while, Hubby and I bore the scars of those attempts on our arms.

It’s hard to explain to a puppy who doesn’t speak English that he’s not supposed to chew on the cushions or on cables. Norman loved the basket of dirty laundry that we had left as a special toy just for him. He also tended to love the never-ending toilet paper from the roll in the bathroom and those gloves you had? Great for him to chew on!

Many licky mats (see below) and scars later, we finally got through the teething phase and Norman started to act like a dog and not a rabid-piranha.

Me bite? Never!

Isn’t it funny how they don’t add this fact to the puppy description on the adds?

What do you think?