Ostrich Symbolism and Meaning

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Ostriches are fascinating creatures with their unique appearance and behavior, making them a popular subject in various cultures around the world. They have been used as symbols of strength, resilience, and adaptability throughout history. This article delves into the symbolic meaning behind these large flightless birds and explores how they’ve been interpreted by different societies.


Ostriches are known for their distinctive appearance, with long necks, powerful legs, and impressive wings that allow them to run at high speeds. They can also be found in various mythologies and folklore, often representing different aspects of life. This article will explore the symbolism associated with ostriches and their meanings across cultures.

Ostrich Symbolism in Different Cultures

African Culture

In Africa, where these birds are native, they hold significant cultural importance. For many tribes, the ostrich represents strength, resilience, and adaptability. The Maasai people of East Africa view them as symbols of courage and determination due to their ability to survive harsh environments. They also symbolize fertility because of their large eggs, which are used in rituals related to childbirth and fertility. In some African cultures, the ostrich feathers are considered sacred and worn by warriors during battles for protection and bravery.

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians revered the ostrich as a symbol of power and royalty. They believed that the bird represented rebirth and resurrection because it could live through harsh conditions, making them associate it with their goddess Hathor, who was associated with fertility and motherhood. Ostriches were often depicted in artworks and hieroglyphics, reflecting their admiration for these birds’ resilience.

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, the ostrich symbolized wisdom and knowledge. The bird was thought to be a messenger of Zeus, carrying messages between gods on Mount Olympus. It was also associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom, as she had an ostrich feathered helmet in some depictions.

Native American Culture

Native Americans viewed the ostrich as a symbol of patience and endurance. They believed that its ability to survive harsh conditions signified strength and adaptability, much like how tribes could thrive despite challenges.


Christianity associates the ostrich with humility and modesty. It’s said that when Jesus was crucified, an ostrich stood guard over his tomb, symbolizing vigilance and protection. The bird is also linked to the story of Mary Magdalene, who was compared to an ostrich for her devotion to Christ.

Biblical Symbolism

In the Bible, the ostrich represents pride and foolishness because it buries its head in the sand when threatened instead of facing problems. This behavior is seen as a metaphor for those who avoid confronting issues rather than addressing them directly.

Ostrich Meanings in Literature and Art

Ostriches have appeared in literature and art throughout history, often representing vanity or ignorance due to their habit of burying their heads in the sand when threatened. They’re also associated with arrogance because they can’t fly, symbolizing those who ignore problems instead of facing them head-on.

Modern Symbolism

Today, ostriches are often seen as a metaphor for denial or avoidance of issues. Their large eyes represent vigilance and awareness in some contexts, while their eggs signify fertility or new beginnings.

Ostrich Meanings in Different Aspects of Life

Personal Growth

Ostriches can teach us about resilience and adaptability. They thrive despite harsh conditions, showing us how to overcome obstacles. Their large eyes symbolize seeing beyond our immediate surroundings, promoting broader perspectives.

Business and Leadership

In business, ostriches represent adaptability and determination. They remind leaders to face challenges head-on instead of hiding from them like burying their heads in the sand.


Ostrich symbolism in spirituality signifies facing fears and confronting issues directly. It encourages us to be aware of our surroundings, just as the bird keeps its eyes open even when threatened.

Ostriches in Dreams

Dreaming about ostriches may indicate personal growth or transformation. If you dream about them, it could mean facing hidden fears or embracing change.


Ostrich symbolism varies across cultures and contexts but generally represents resilience, adaptability, and awareness. Whether in mythology, literature, or spirituality, these birds serve as powerful symbols. They remind us to face challenges head-on, learn from them, and grow beyond our comfort zones. Understanding their meanings can enrich our lives and help us navigate personal growth and leadership better.

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