Linus Drops the Blanket

by David Cassidy, Christ Community Church,Franklin 

Fifty years ago CBS broadcast ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ for the first time. It joyfully iconic soundtrack and delightful story have moved audiences for years, inspiring young and old alike.

As is well known the central scene of the program, Linus’ reading of the Christmas story according to the Gospel of Luke, was nearly excluded due to its overtly religious message. Only the insistence of author and illustrator Charles Schultz himself was sufficient to prevail in that dispute. He was clear: no Gospel of Luke, no program. CBS relented and the program went forward.

Schultz was not only a man of great talent and great faith, he was also a man who grasped the depth of the message and how to communicate it not only in the language of words but in the language of imagery. In the scene that stood at the center of uncertainty fifty years ago – and which still stands as the central moment of the drama – Linus takes the stage to answer Charlie Brown’s anguished cry, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!?” What happens next is magic.

If you know Linus’ character you also know that he is also never without his trusty blanket. Even in ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ we see it with him continually, and hear his bombastically blessed sister Lucy berate him about it, yelling at the Christmas play rehearsal, “AND GET RID OF THAT STUPID BLANKET!” In every strip Schultz drew in which the character appears, Linus is never without his blanket.

Except one.

As Linus steps forward to answer Charlie Brown’s frustration and confusion over the commercialism of Christmas, the lights dim, and a spotlight focuses us on the messenger. Linus repeats the Gospel account of the angels dramatic announcement to the shepherds – according to the King James Version as well! – a message that begins with the phrase, “Fear not”.

“Fear not! I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people….”

And when he says, “Fear not”, Linus drops his blanket.


He lets go of the security in which he trusts, noting in that small action the deep truth that because Christ has come fear has been banished, and authentic security is truly found only in the One of whom the Angels sang on that hillside in Bethlehem long ago.

We all have our security blankets. They look like homes, portfolios, cars, kids, and education; they look like social status, clothing, career, applause, and position. And each of these are temporal, offering only the illusion of a life that can be lived in true, lasting freedom.

“Fear not…unto you is born a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord.”

The miracle of Jesus birth is encountered in many ways, but not least in the wonder that Christ was born not simply to Mary, but of Mary, and unto us. From his birth he was for us. He still is. And because of this we can all lay aside our trusted temporary security blankets at the unchanging announcement of the Angel – ‘Fear Not’

A Joyous Christmas to all! More Faith Here

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