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Slapstick Saturday presents: Goldust the crocodile hunter

Welcome to another edition of "Slapstick Saturday," Cagesiders, where your old pal Hulk Holland pokes fun at every botch, blooper and bomb the world of professional wrestling has ever given us.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

Over the past few months, the Rhodes family has migrated back to WWE.

That means we can expect to see more airtime for Cody, who was dumped from the roster when he failed to defeat Randy Orton (kayfabe). His termination, however, is expected to last only as long as his wedding and subsequent honeymoon. In his absence, Papa Dusty was inside the squared circle cutting one of his delicious promos.

Prior to getting knocked out by The Big Show (see it here).

Naturally, the circle would not be complete without Dustin, who operates under the moniker "Goldust" because he wears a gold onesie and paints his face gold. It should be only fitting, then, that we direct our attention to "The Bizarre One," who makes this week's edition of Slapstick Saturday.

You can thank the New World Order (nWo) for that.

Hoping to join the elusive anti-establishment club, which recently recruited friend and former tag team partner Booker T, Goldust applied for the job in the only way he knew how.

A worthy addition!

Unfortunately, nWo "stooge" X-Pac was not impressed and the Gold one was denied entry. So much for the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" way of thinking. No matter. Goldust wasn't going to just roll over and started tormenting the Order with a variety of hilarious skits.

Like Goldust "the crocodile hunter," a parody of the late Steve Irwin.


It's highly unlikely that Goldust will be cranking out any more of these funny skits for the time being, because his dad was assaulted by The Corporate Shield and Cody was fired, which mean it's serious, guys. But hopefully, after this program wraps, there's still room for some slapstick.

Unlike the "Bandanna-wearing grease rat," they don't suck!

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