Umoja Karamu Celebration

Umoja Karamu Celebration

Umoja Karamu Celebration 2022

Umoja Karamu, meaning "unity feast" in Swahili, is an African-American celebration begun in 1971 by Dr. Edward Sims, Jr. Celebrated like Thanksgiving, Umoja Karamu is held on the fourth Sunday in November. Its purpose is to instill solidarity, black values, and appreciation of black heritage into black families. Libations to honor ancestors, historical readings, and feasts mark observances. This year the theme of our Umoja Karamu is “Passport to Our Diverse Cultures.” As we think about the symbolism of the Umoja Karamu, we will also showcase the multicultural diversity that people of the African Diaspora have.

The celebration is based on five periods of African-American life, each represented by a color.
Before Enslavement
- The color black represents black families before slavery.
In Slavery
- The color white symbolizes the scattering of black families during enslavement.
Upon Emancipation
- The color red marks black liberation from enslavement.
Struggle for Liberation
- The color green signifies the struggle for civil rights and equality.
Looking to the Future
- The color gold points celebrants to hope for a brighter future.

Hotep (Peace) Imhotep Families, Students & Staff:

On Tuesday, November 22, 2022, Imhotep Charter High School will celebrate Umoja Karamu, The Unity Feast. Each year at Imhotep, the students and staff celebrate family unity by attending a performance and sharing “a feast” honoring our ancestors, our history, and our heritage. We ask that families contribute $10.00 for the celebration and feast. Each grade group will ‘dine’ together, symbolizing unity in the African American family and community. Students can wear their Imhotep gear or class tee shirts on this date.

Please indicate below if you can contribute a $10 donation towards the cost of the meal.
Name of Student: _______________________________________ Grade: ____________
$10.00 donation __________________________________________________________

Please Note
** $10.00 donations should be paid by Monday, November 21, 2022

Asante Sana (Thank You)
Imhotep Facilitators & Administrators

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