Japanese Dolphinariums 101: Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

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General Info:

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is a dolphinarium located in Motobu, Japan. You can read more about the conditions their sharks are kept in by reading the article by Koko Photography here.

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News And Mentionable Incidents:

Any Taiji Affiliation? Yes.

What can you do?

Knowledge is power and a lot of people would not be attending and purchasing tickets to these places if they knew what was going behind closed doors. You can reach millions on social media! Don't let a language barrier stop you! You can copy and paste the following phrases to their guests on their social media accounts linked below.

水族館でイルカショーを見る前に「ザ・コーヴ」を見てください (Please watch The Cove before buying a ticket to dolphinariums)

動物は自然界で生きるべきです (Animals belong in the wild)

You can also comment with the link DOLPHINFRIENDS.JP! It links to The Cove in Japanese!


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Japanese Dolphinarium 101: Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise