Understanding robots.txt

Understanding robots.txt


Robots.txt is a text file that provides instructions to search engine crawlers or robots about which pages or sections of a website should be crawled and indexed. It serves as a communication tool between website owners and search engine bots.

I. What is robots.txt?

A. Definition

- Robots.txt is a plain text file placed in the root directory of a website.

- It contains directives that instruct search engine bots on how to interact with the website.

B. Purpose

- Control: It helps control the crawling and indexing behavior of search engine bots.

- Access Restriction: It allows website owners to restrict access to specific pages or directories.

II. Structure of robots.txt

A. Location

- Robots.txt is located in the root directory of a website (e.g., www.example.com/robots.txt).

B. Syntax

- User-agent: [Name of the bot or * for all bots]

- Disallow: [URLs or directories to be excluded]

- Allow: [Optional - URLs or directories to be included]

- Sitemap: [URL of the sitemap.xml file]

III. Directives

A. User-agent

- Specifies the search engine bot to which the following directives apply.

- "*" is a wildcard and represents all bots.

B. Disallow

- Specifies URLs or directories that the specified user agent should not crawl.

- Use "/" to indicate the entire site, or specify specific directories or files.

C. Allow

- Optional directive to allow access to certain URLs or directories while using Disallow.

- Can be used to override Disallow rules for specific content.

D. Sitemap

- Informs search engines about the location of the website's XML sitemap.

- Helps search engine bots discover and index the website's pages more efficiently.

IV. Examples

A. Disallowing All Bots

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

B. Disallowing Specific Directories

User-agent: *

Disallow: /private/

Disallow: /temp/

C. Allowing Specific Directories

User-agent: *

Disallow: /admin/

Allow: /admin/public/

D. Specifying Sitemap Location

Sitemap: https://www.example.com/sitemap.xml


Robots.txt is a vital file for controlling search engine bot access to web pages. By using its directives properly, website owners can ensure that search engine crawlers index and rank their website's content accurately while maintaining the privacy and preventing unnecessary crawling of certain pages or directories.

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