My Journey with The Morrigan

My Journey with The Morrigan June 20, 2023

This next part of my introduction  is going to be about my story with The Morrigan.

She is my primary Deity, and our history is long and deep. She is who I built my foundations with, and those foundations shape everything else I do. The Morrigan is also the one who taught me how to communicate and develop deep bonds with Deities and Spirits. Developing and honing specific skills.

I was going to do all my Deities in one article, but my journey with The Morrigan required Her own, because it just got too long. So in the next article I will go into the others.

Transformation – by Esa

The Morrigan

As I stated in the last article, The Morrigan was the first, and is my Primary Deity. Some may refer to a Primary as a patron deity. I never really resonated with that terminology and it doesn’t quite fit my meaning when I refer to Primary. For me, your Primary Deity is one you build foundations with. It is also one that I believe has always walked with us, from birth, even if we did not who they are.


Feeling The Morrigan

I am a person who deals in energy and spirit. Each one, deity – those who have passed – land spirits, as an individual, has a very distinct energy for me. Each one feels different, similar to how each person has a unique look, voice, or fingerprint. When they are close, I feel that energy and is one way I can identify them.

The Morrigan has a very specific feel for me, and one I can remember feeling for as long as I can remember. Always there, walking along with me, even though I did not have a name or even identify Her as anything beyond the feeling. As I looked back, after I understood it was Her, and I could see that energy in so many memories. She was heavily present when I went through my storms, in times where I struggled the most. As I walked people through the journey of death, preparing them and being with them at that time, She was there. Always a present feeling.

Recognizing Her

When I started connecting to Her in conversation through tarot, I knew who She was. She was the first name that came, and I did not know really anything about Her. As I said, I was never really drawn to working with Deity and wasn’t seeking it out. I had briefly heard Her name in other research along with many others, but I never really took note of them. None the less, here She was.

It took time before I was comfortable trusting the knowledge though. I questioned it. I tested it. I tested Her, if we want to be completely forward. I would ask the same questions over and over. When She gave me a story through tarot – trance – or channeling, about Herself, I would keep asking about it to see if the story stayed the same. There were times I was worried it would irritate Her, but as long as I continued to do the work, She didn’t seem to care about my “checks.”

Newgrange Ireland – photo from World History

Learning About Her

I did tons of research on Her. From scholarly theories and writings, to personal experiences of others. I talked with and listened to the stories of others. I think this process is important – not in the way others think though. All of these stories, even the stories that are lore – are just that, stories. Other people’s experiences, histories passed down for hundreds of generations before ever being written, and then written by people with their own agendas. Something The Morrigan has always said “There is truth in all stories but no story is true.” This means there is some truth, some perspectives, some lessons to be learned that hold truth, but the story is still just a story, embellished and changed to fit the narrative of the story teller.


Learning From Her

Trust takes time. It wasn’t just learning to trust The Morrigan, but to trust myself. The mind is an interesting machine. It can create realities from illusions and fantasies. How our brains process stimuli from the senses – the roles our perspectives play, and based in past experiences and biases – the flaws and limitations in our physical senses which is how the mind builds all our understandings of the world we live in. Our intuitive senses can get clouded and distorted in the same ways as the mind does, but those come more from the emotions. Emotions connected to past experiences, fears, and so forth. To build a true and honest relationship with a deity/ spirit, at least for me, required building trust. Trust of them, and learning to trust myself – and I did it though numerous amounts of checks, taking a scientific approach with a spiritual understanding.

After about a year of working in this way with The Morrigan, I was all in. I was convinced. All my checks has been consistently met. All my experiences were undeniable to me. This was The Morrigan and these experiences were real.

During this time She taught me how to do trance work, to see visions and actually hear Her voice, and later, how to channel Her, to be a vessel. She taught me how to separate part of my soul from the body to walk in the mists (some call this hedge walking – others, astral travel – I call it Spirit Walking). To use the tarot in different ways so She (and later others) could tell Their own stories. What was sacred to them, Their connections to different patterns and elements, Their history, and Their domains. To learn lessons directly from Them, and from Their perspective, not just what we may find in books – someone else’s interpretation.

Do not mistake me here – this took a lot of work and dedication. I did this work every single day. I cut hours off my sleep, gave up other entertainment/ “fun” things, and sacrificed some other aspects of my life in order to do this work. I wanted it though. I wanted to be able to have clear and direct communication. I wanted to learn and grow. I was also in awe of all of it. There was magic, true magic here and I wanted more.

Building Foundations with Her

There is so much that has influenced and conditioned us throughout our lives. Family, school, christianity (which has deep roots in our current society and structures in western countries), religions, and the societies we live in, have been seeped in conditioning. Some are good, but others hold us back and stifle our growth. In order to build new and solid foundations to work from now, I had to objectively look at and deconstruct all of that. This is an ongoing process. There are still times I run into things that I have to go through this process with, and I am sure there is more ahead of me.

Once I had torn something to bone – to it’s root, to see where it came from, what influenced it, why I held the perspectives I did of it – I had to decide if it held true or not for me. I listened to what The Morrigan had to say about it. I looked at the dualities involved in it. Then decided what parts, if any, could stay, or what needed to replace it.

I had to learn about Sovereignty – not just from a self perspective, but as a whole. What it meant and all the lessons contained within it. What my ethics were (not the ones dictated to me, but my own), and the morals that carried out those ethics. What was important to me, sacred to me. The boundaries needed in order to protect those. Deconstructing boundaries that no longer served me or where I was going. Understanding the depth of respect, integrity, and authenticity, and what those really meant, for myself and when dealing with others. We say those words often but the lessons behind them are so much deeper.

I had to learn how to be the right kind of Guardian to serve who I was now and what I served in sovereignty. Where battle was really needed and all the times we just need to walk away. How to battle correctly and hold all my foundations in the process. The art of compromise and creating peace – where all sides benefit even if they do not get what they want. The act of exchange and balance in a world of dualities.

The Morrigan walked me through all of this. Making me question, dig deeper, and see more than I had.

Getting Smacked by my Goddess

The work above took a long time – and is ongoing. As I go deeper, learn more, I am always looking back at my foundations with Her. Sometimes things need to be adjusted. Sometimes they need deconstructed and something new built. Then there are times where all needs to stand and be held. It is all done with The Morrigan though.

Boundaries are generally where I get into trouble. I have this need to help, to heal, others. I can Guide, but the work is theirs to do. I have specific boundaries due to this. Sometimes I get too involved, care too much, and will cross a boundary. When I do, my Goddess is quick to smack me down. This can come in the form of Her yelling at me directly, creating chaos around the situation, or in rare cases – taking something away until I put the boundary back up. I never begrudge Her for this, quite the opposite, I love Her for it. She does this for me, not to hurt me – I’m hurting myself and She is just trying to get me to see it.

Transformation and My Path

I believe the lessons we receive from our Deities is personal. They are geared specifically towards the growth and transformations we need to go through. Using the abilities and skills we personally possess.

For me, The Morrigan’s core domain is Transformation. Transformations in all it’s forms. In foundations – in battle – in death – in cycles and patterns – in dualities – in everything. What She demands is self transformation and forward movement. What She cares about is my transformations and growth. Creating and Walking my own path. Her Sovereignty, Battle, and Prophecy are seeped in transformation. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for me.

The work She puts before me, how I serve Her, is guiding others through their own transformations. Not telling them what they need to do, but guiding them through the process/ structure so they can build their own path for them.

Some would call me a priestess but I hate the term. It’s too convoluted for me. Instead She calls me Seneschal so that is what I call myself. I feel it fits for the service I do.

Hill of Tara

Honoring and Offerings

None of my Deity ask for offerings such as things on Their altar. They could care less about my altar – the altar is for me, my mindset, my focus. All my Deities care about is the work They put before me. It is different for each one but they also all work together for my personal path.

The Morrigan asks to be honored at the new moon – the space of endings and beginnings. No matter what is going on, taking time to be with Her, listen to Her, and connect to Her on this day is important. It is not a specific ritual or spell, it is my time and being present in that time with Her.

Connection and respect between myself and the land I live on. This changes based on the land I occupy at the time, but the acts are similar. Care for the land, for all that live upon it, not just my wants and needs. This includes the animals, plants, and spirits in my space. Planting specific things to help boost the nature. Giving offerings of food to the animals I share this land with. When planning changes for things my family needs or wants, requires me to think of how these things will impact all the other souls we share it with, and sometimes asking permission.

My foundations, holding my foundations, including my boundaries that I have built with Her help is at the top of the list though. My actions, my words, my magic, my connections, my path forward must always be in harmony with these foundations, serving these foundations. My battles must be in protection of those foundations. My compromises can not compromise those foundations.

My offerings are that of time and presence. To serve the work She lays before me. To share my experiences, lessons, and things I have learned along the way. To hold sacred, what She holds sacred. That is how I serve my Goddess.

If you want to know more about my work and journey with The Morrigan –

My Book – Goddess, Sacred Words of Transformation holds the stories She has shared with me. It goes into all the lessons in Her Sovereignty, Battle, and Prophecy that She walked me through. Prayers She gave me, Poems She told me, and so much more. It is Her book. Built on my journey with Her and filled with the words She spoke to me.

The Guided Journal that compliments the book: Walking With The Morrigan is filled with the questions I myself had to ask and dive deeper into when doing this work with Her. It is not all of them, but core ones that I felt would help others when connecting and building with The Morrigan. A place to start and to help you go deeper into your own journey with Her.

My Youtube Channel also has several videos on it that are directed at my work work with The Morrigan and what that has looked like, along with ideas for others to build their own bond with Her. I am not a big video maker, and definitely not my strength, but the information is there.

If you are looking for a scholarly work

The only book I will recommend here is The Book of The Great Queen by Morpheus Ravenna

This is the most complete work on The Morrigan from a historical view. It is huge and I feel should be approached like you are taking a college course (notebooks, highlighters, etc) but it is the best historical work in my opinion.

There are many other voices out there with their own perspectives and experiences. Listen to them, get ideas and inspirations, but build your own connection and walk your own path. Your lessons may be different. What She wants of you may be different – so listen to Her and let Her guide you.

About Esa
I am an avid explorer and believe experimentation is the key to growth. Science and Magic are not competitors, they work together to help us understand and alter the world. Magic and Spirituality is personal – the bonds we build, the skills we hone, how we practice, all of this being developed along our journey. The rules and limitations are those of you and nature, not another person.” - Author, Oracle/ Tarot Reader, Liminal Walker, and Spiritual Guide for those wanting to build their own path and connections You can read more about the author here.

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