Mad Scientist Pictures

Tousled professor examining samples under microscope, looking surprised
Westend61 / Getty Images

Are you looking for a picture of a mad scientist? This is a collection of mad scientist pictures, ranging from famous mad scientists to mad scientist Halloween costumes.

Mad Scientist with Lightning

This mad scientist is shooting lightning from his fingertips.
This mad scientist is shooting lightning from his fingertips. Archive Holdings Inc., Getty Images

Truly mad scientists work with lightning. It's used to reanimate the dead and basically electrocute everything. Plus, it produces spectacular static hair.

Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist
Mad Scientist. Digital Vision, Getty Images

Here's a nice example of a mad scientist. Note the crazy hair, wild eyebrows, bow tie, glasses, and lab coat. He could be a normal scientist, but he has a wild look in his eyes.

Mad Scientist

This is a mad scientist, Dr. Alexander Thorkel from the movie Dr. Cyclops (1940).
This is a mad scientist in all his glory, Dr. Alexander Thorkel from the movie Dr. Cyclops (1940). Paramount Pictures

If you can't rock crazy hair, baldness is a perfectly acceptable mad scientist look. Bigger is better when it comes to tool size, too.

Mad Scientist Halloween Costume

The mad scientist costume typically involves a lab coat and wild hair.
The mad scientist costume typically involves a lab coat and wild hair. A few props can add more science and more madness. Anne Helmenstine

Advanced age is not a requirement for mad science.

Mad Scientist

Caricature of a mad scientist.
Caricature of a mad scientist. J.J., Wikipedia

Mad Scientist Boy

Learn how to do experiments like this teen mad scientist.
It's amazing how far a little dry ice and a wild hairstyle can get you! Learn how to do experiments like this teen mad scientist. Jupiterimages, Getty Images

Mad Scientist Kid

A mad scientist costume is easy and inexpensive to make.
David is wearing an actual lab coat from a real lab, but you can get a similar effect by cutting a white t-shirt up the center. I printed a lab safety sign and stuck it to his coat. Reading glasses look geeky like goggles, but are easier to find. Anne Helmenstine

Mad Scientist

Mad scientists find humor in the strangest places.
Mad scientists find humor in the strangest places. Comstock, Getty Images
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Your Citation
Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Mad Scientist Pictures." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2020, August 27). Mad Scientist Pictures. Retrieved from Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "Mad Scientist Pictures." ThoughtCo. (accessed May 13, 2024).