London Fashion Week

Alison Mosshart: A Fashion Life On The Road

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Coat Jacket Human Person Footwear Shoe Alison Mosshart Leather Jacket and Pants

WHEN it comes to working out what to wear, life on the road isn't easy for a rock star, but Alison Mosshart has the answer.

"I don't unpack, I wear the same thing every day, I have a uniform - black jeans, a silk shirt, sweaters and hoodies," said Mosshart, who was in town this week for the London Fashion Week Equipment party. The singer is co-face of the brand this season, along with fellow The Kills frontman Jamie Hince.

"It was so much fun, the clothes are amazing," she said of the shoot and the silk shirts she got to rock - and which she was expertly wearing at the party, layering and clashing them to cool effect.

Having been on tour in Nashville for the last four months, Mosshart confessed that she wasn't super savvy on fashion week so far - but did tell us that two of her favourite places to shop are LA and Paris.