Annoy-a-Tron: Does What It Says On The Box

My house has eight smoke alarms in it. Every few months, one starts up with the “battery low” beeping, and the hunt begins. Cursory checks are useless: total quiet must be established throughout the residence, and a state of zen-like stillness achieved to discern the direction of the God-damned incessant clucking noise. Even then, it […]


My house has eight smoke alarms in it. Every few months, one starts up with the "battery low" beeping, and the hunt begins. Cursory checks are useless: total quiet must be established throughout the residence, and a state of zen-like stillness achieved to discern the direction of the God-damned incessant clucking noise. Even then, it always comes down to a lengthy wait by each and every one.

Now you can deliberately inflict such aggravations on others with the $10 Annoy-a-Tron. Cackle as your friends and co-workers' haplessly check every alarm, cellphone and gadget for the source of the annoying, random bleeping that the smug contraption emits.

There's even a dial to increase the unacceptability of its tone, ranging from a standard 2kHz "classic beep" to a 12kHz sound garbled with electronic noise, lovingly crafted to maximize irritation and despair.

Annoy-a-Tron - drive your colleagues crazy, why doncha? [The Red Ferret Journal]