Elderflower Latte

Elderflower Latte

Spring is all about the “new”. The snow melts away and we spend more time outside. Birds return and start to chirp in the trees around our homes. Early flowers pop their heads above the ground to add some color back to the world. 

In fact, nothing says spring more than flowers! To quote The Devil Wears Prada, “Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.”

But we don’t just have to stare at pretty flowers or wear them—we can eat them and drink them, too! After all, the “Roses” in “Honey and Roses” is more than just for a nice sounding name. Certain coffee beans have a floral aroma and taste, and match very well with all kinds of flowers. Some of our past recipes include a Lavender Latte and our namesake Honey Rose Latte.

There are only so many varieties of flowers that are edible, though. One that we love although it isn’t used as often in American cuisine is elderflower. It has a subtly fresh and fruity taste that pairs great with RAKO Coffee Roaster's Luleesa Limu - Ethiopia, Thump Coffee's North Fork and Form & Function's El Diamente - Guatemala.

Here’s our take on this lightly floral drink that welcomes in the new season.

Simple Syrup:
¾ cup water
2 tbsp dried elderflowers
1 cup sugar of choice 

To assemble:
2 shots of espresso or 8 oz strong brewed coffee
1 cup milk of choice with espresso, ½ cup with strong coffee
More dried elderflowers for garnish

To make the syrup:

In a small pot combine ¾ cup water and 2 tbsp of dried elderflowers. Bring the water to a boil, then lower to a simmer for 5 minutes to steep the flowers. Remove from heat and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.

Stir in 1 cup of sugar until fully dissolved. Check to see that all the granules have melted. If not, return the pot to the stove just until the granules are gone. 

Once the mixture is fully combined, pour the syrup through a strainer into an airtight container. Store it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

To assemble the latte:

Pull two shots of espresso and add them to your mug.

Foam your milk using your steam wand by allowing it to reach 155°F. If you don’t have a steam wand, heat your milk in a small pot on the stove until it reaches the same temperature and use a handheld frother to create foam.

Pour the steamed milk on top of your espresso, using a spoon to hold back the foam. Add the foam at the end before topping with a sprinkle of elderflowers and serve.

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