Touching Trafalgar Square lions could lead to sepsis and conjunctivitis

Statues are riddled with bacteria, a survey has shown
Statues are riddled with bacteria, a survey has shown Credit: Roy Letkey 

Rubbing statues for luck puts people at risk of developing sepsis and conjunctivitis, the first study of bacteria on monuments has shown.

Experts swabbed 24 statues in 13 cities across Europe including the lions in London’s Trafalgar Square and the Paddington Bear bronze at Paddington station and found huge levels of bacteria.

Some of the bacteria detected, such as Staphylococcus, can lead to infections including sepsis, conjunctivitis, cystitis and endocarditis. 

A statue of Sherlock Holmes, near Baker Street in West London, the feet of which are regularly touched by tourists, had a large presence of Staphylococcus.

And the Trafalgar Square lions carried bacteria that are usually only found on people’s shoes, suggesting people had been climbing. 

The team also found  Pseudomonas, which may cause folliculitis and ear canal infections. 

Paddington author Michael Bond with the Paddington statue 
Paddington author Michael Bond with the Paddington statue  Credit: Andrew Crowley 

Atlas Biomed, a DNA and gut microbiome screening company, who carried out the survey, said people with weaker immune systems should wash their hands immediately after coming into contact with a monument. 

Sergey Musienko, CEO of the company said : “The diversity of microorganisms that are present in, on and around humans comprise a significant component of overall health. 

“It’s important to remember that, just because a bacterium has the potential to make us ill, it doesn’t mean it will.

There are a lot of factors that enter into this equation, like the quantity of bacteria present (our swab samples didn’t allow us to assess this) and how weak or strong a person’s immune system is.”

The research found that London’s Oscar Wilde statue at Charing Cross  has the highest bacterial diversity in Europe. Conversely, Bender’s Book from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, was the least diverse. 

A total of 29 different bacterial genera were found across all samples, including some with surprising origins.

Several bacteria usually associated with plant disease were detected, as well as two genera that are found in the human gut. The team believes the bacteria hitched a ride through the air or possibly on someone’s hands. 

People habitually touch their faces hundreds of times a day, putting them at risk of picking up a lethal infection. 

Atlas Biomed experts warned people not to rub their eyes after touching a monument, and to always wash your hands with clean water and soap after visiting these tourist spots.

If that’s not possible, keep tea tree oil in your bag, which is naturally antibacterial. 

They also advise avoiding drinking water from outdoor fountains and instead use refillable bottles with a filter.

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